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Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium explained

All schools need to ensure that they are able to give a full account of the use of Pupil Premium funding allocated to the school on the basis of those pupils who are in receipt of free school meals. Evidence shows that disadvantaged children generally face additional challenges in reaching their potential at school and often do not perform as well as other pupils. The Pupil Premium Strategy is a three-year strategy to include focused actions for the year ahead to support disadvantaged children. 

The three focused actions within the following areas: 1. High quality teaching, 2. targeted academic support and 3.wider strategies.

We follow the guidance from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). This forms a key part of our evidenced based research and is referenced through our strategy document. In addition to this, pupil progress meetings with our staff team ensure discussions about this group of pupils happen on a regular basis to monitor their provision and progress regularly throughout the year in all areas of their development. The cycle below reflects our approach.

Take-up of Free School Meals 

We strongly encourage the take-up of free school meals by those that are eligible but who are not currently claiming. We feel it is important to highlight to parents the importance of registering their child’s entitlement even where a school meal is not being regularly taken – parents should be reminded that the additional funding support made available through the Pupil Premium can only be accessed when entitlement is formally registered. Regular newsletters with information and links to sign up are sent out termly.

At any one time, our cohort of Pupil premium is above national average.